International project:  BRAWE - Be Ready At the Work Environment

“Be Ready At the Work Environment (BRAWE) ” aims to strengthen students’ courage and self-confidence while entering the labour market. The project idea is to create a youth-attractive educational material for the most threatening step during the job-seeking process – communicating with your future employer (e.g. job interview).

Project objectives

The main objective of the project is to enlarge students’ self-confidence in themselves in the  future labour market. Project team hopes to achieve better self-estimation of students, by working on this issue together with students and business representatives and creating an attractive set of material to prepare oneself for the first steps in the labour market. The additional objectives are to provide students international experience, international relationships with new friends from abroad and to train the foreign language skills (English and the partners national languages as well).


1. Application submission (by lead partner) February, 2023 
2. Project contract signed (by lead partner) May,  2023 
3. Kick off meeting online (all partners coordinators), 2023 September 
4. Selecting students for project activities, students meeting and familiarization online (all partners) 2023 September NPJR-2023/10190 Page 7 (12) Submitted - 31-Jan-2023 
5. Online sessions for students (with help from teachers) to set up the work plan and task sharing (all partners) 2023 September 
6. Meeting in Latvia, work in teams, visit of local business employers. 2023 April 
7. Students’ meetings sessions online (all partners, the amount depends on students' needs to work together) 2023 September-2025 May 
8. Meeting in Estonia, work in teams, visit of local business employers. (all partners) 2024 May 
9. Students’ meetings sessions online (all partners, the amount depends on students’ needs to work together)2023 September-2025 May 
10. Meeting in Lithuania, work in teams, visit of local business employers.(all partners) September 2024 
11. Meetings online to produce final product. (all partners) September 2024- April 2025 
12. Final online conference to present and celebrate the projects final result. April 2025 
13. Dissemination of the project through all the steps (all partners) all project period and after the project 
14. Final report (Lead partner together with all partners) June 2025


The main expected result of the project is a set of visual material for students to prepare for labour market. Students will decide the form of it, but it will have to include the preparation steps for the job: CV writing, most importantly - job interview, further advice on how to behave/blend in the new workplace community. The ultimate benefit and user of the result is a VET student, who will get useful, student-to-student orientated material on how to prepare and be self-sufficient in a job seeking stage. But the materials will be given to school staff, who are in a change of professional guidance and need effective and attractive ways to reach students’ minds and help them in the matter.


  • Aukstaitija vocational training centre (Lithuania)
  • Jelgava Technical school (Latvia)
  • Kuressaare Ametikool


Nordplus Junior 2023 project

Project number:  NPJR-2023/10190 

Budget: 23840 €

Time period

09/2023 - 06/2025

Project contact

Kadri Rand
+372 56939700 

Project stories

Jelgavas vaprust kogumas (20.05.2024, in Estonian)

Avaldatud 05.01.2024. Viimati muudetud 24.05.2024.