International project: Young Sustainability Messengers

The project focuses on empowering students and teachers with a comprehensive understanding of sustainability issues and practices based on EU GreenComp framework.

Aim is to empower young students in the Nordic/Baltic region to become ambassadors for sustainability, utilizing educational collaboration to address environmental issues and promote social sustainability.


The project is structured around four international seminars, hosted by participating schools in Latvia, Finland, Lithuania, and Estonia.

These three-day seminars will deal with various sustainability themes such as urban green development, renewable energy, forest and marine conservation.

The project enhances of key competences in students and teachers, from environmental awareness to digital literacy and international communication skills.


Kuressaare Regional Training Centre (Estonia)

Riga Style and Fashion Technical school (Latvia)

Klaipeda Vocational School of Tourism (Lithuania)

Kainuu Vocational College (Finland)



Nordplus Junior (Call 2024)

Project number: NPJR-2024/10109

Budget: 35 670 eur

Time period

09/2024 - 08/2026

Project contact

Taavi Tuisk
 +372 516 2234

Project stories

Nordplusi toel on kavas neli rahvusvahelist roheseminari(in Estonian, 29.05.2024)

Four international seminars planned with Nordplus project(in English, 29.05.2024)

Avaldatud 24.05.2024. Viimati muudetud 21.03.2025.