On November 4th, a cooperation project called the EUClass Alliance began with the goal of promoting awareness of the European Union, democracy, and civic engagement within vocational education.
The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet sub-program, which is focused primarily on EU-related topics in education.
The objective is to enhance vocational school teachers' competence in integrating these themes into their teaching. Awareness of these topics among students remains a concern in both our vocational schools and those in partner countries. Vocational school students are generally less politically active, and there is a shortage of teaching materials on these subjects.
The project includes partners from Italy, Spain, Greece, the Netherlands, and Finland.
As part of the project, partners from the University of Trento will conduct online training, map the current situation, create educational materials, and organize activities with students, such as celebrating Europe Day. The project will also feature two summer schools for teachers in Athens and a student seminar in Brussels.