International project: European e-Transport Network (ETN4VET)

The Erasmus+ ETN4VET project and network want to contribute to narrowing the skill gap between e-Transport, VET education and labour market needs in order to support the attractiveness of using electric vehicles and contribute to the EU Green Deal.

Project objectives

We want to achieve project goals by:

  • further and continuous development of VET teachers’ competence in e-transport education by sharing latest knowledge and educational methodologies;
  • strengthening the work life cooperation in e-transport by improving network analysis and networking skills;
  • building strong European VET providers’ network in e-transport in order to support the speed development of e-transport education needs;
  • planning and organising learning and networking events (LTTAs) to find answers to most relevant questions in e-Transport;
  • building a network to provide qualitative student and staff mobility programmes.

This needs urgent adoption of VET education. In order to realise this, we want to stimulate the cooperation between VET organisations (national and international) and businesses to share the latest knowledge. In order to optimise cooperation and build trust, an adequate network and networking skills for the stakeholders (VET teachers) is essential. That’s the reason we want to establish and expand this ETN4VET network. Next to that we want to give the development of our VET education a quick start by sharing already available best practises and answering FAQ’s with regards to innovative e-Transport education and methodologies as soon as possible.


All partners will participate in all activities of the project and will be responsible for hosting and organization of either a physical or an online Study & Networking Event (SNE) as described in chapters ‘Learning, Teaching, Training Activities’ or ‘Other Relevant Activities in the Timetable’ of the ETN4VET application.



Kuressare Ametikool

Hyria koulutus/Hyria Education

Salpaus Koulutuskeskus

Université Régionale des Métiers de l’Artisanat des Pays de la Loire


Handwerkskammer für Ostthüringen




Byåsen vgs/Trøndelag County



Amledo & Co AB


Grant Agreement Number 2021-1-NL01-KA220-VET-000025512

Time period

01.11.2020 -01.11.2023

Project contact

Ave Paaskivi
452 4601
ave.paaskivi@ametikool.eelink opens on new page

Read more

Network of electric vehicle maintenance teachers established with Eramus+ (30.05.2024)

Avaldatud 25.01.2022. Viimati muudetud 30.05.2024.